UWSCC Visits UWNCC Office For A Day Of Teambuilding And An Office Clean-Up

Clean up day in DunkirkWhat a productive and beautiful day in northern Chautauqua County! Today we joined our compatriots at UWNCC for a spring cleaning of their offices on Central Ave in the city!


We were accompanied by two of our longtime board members, Deb Kathman and Carol Hay — and of course, UWNCC’s Community Relations Coordinaator Dan Siracuse!

Today we announced that UWNCC and UWSCC are in the process of assessing a merger into one county-wide organization. It’s a move which will make operations more cost-effective and also amplify community impact.

This initiative follows from growing collaboration between the two nonprofits.

The press release announcing the prospective merger, a “Value Proposition” and a frequently-asked-questions document can all be found on the website of each organization.

In June, the board of directors of each United Way will review and vote on a merger proposal, as will the membership of UWSCC in July. If the proposal is approved, the two agencies will launch an initial affiliation and begin to work on a joint, county-wide fundraising campaign for 2024. Ultimately, a formal merger application would need to be reviewed and approved by the New York State Attorney General’s office, which would likely complete its decision-making in 2025.

The United Way of Northern Chautauqua County and the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County are actively seeking public input on their potential merger. Anyone with comments and questions can call Amy Rohler at (716) 483-1561 or email her at ARohler@uwayscc.org. UWNCC Board President Tyler Gotowkacan be reached by emailing TGotowka@lawleyinsurance.com.