United Ways of Chautauqua County Attend ERA Team VP Ribbon Cutting

ERA Team VP Fredonia office ribbon cuttingToday we joined our southern Chautauqua County friend Bill Soffel in the northern end of the county for the ribbon cutting of his company’s new Fredonia office!

As Broker/Owner of Team VP ERA Real Estate & Vacation Rentals, Bill and his agents have a long history of charitable giving, volunteerism and partnership with the United Ways of Chautauqua County!

The impact United Way is able to have in the community each year comes as a direct result of people such as Bill and like-minded businesses who understand both the need as well as the important work which our partner agencies provide.

Pictured here with Bill, center, are Daniel Siracuse, United Way of Northern Chautauqua County Community Relations Coordinator, at left, and UWSCC Executive Director Amy Rohler, at right.

Business Meets Community:
How United Way Can serve your business interests
We care about your partnership. So, engaging your employees matters to us.

The very best connections happen at the intersection of business meets community, and it’s been our privilege for the past 100 years to be brokering connections and impact that change lives. This is why your business partnership is so essential and why we want to serve you with engagement and team-building tools for your employees: because we know that the intersection of business and community changes lives.

In addition to a workplace campaign, we offer three different engagement experiences for employees that we believe place them at the intersection of our community in meaningful ways: our A.L.I.C.E Experience, Impact Tours, and Days of Caring.

Stat: 75% percent of the global workforce will be made up of Millennials by 2025!

Millennials and Gen Z value community engagement and have a high preference for direct service and volunteer opportunities.

Leverage our powerful 90-min engagement tool to challenge your team’s understanding of financial hardship that your employees, clients and customers experience everyday. This interactive experience will equip your staff to understand more fully and empathize with the invisible needs of the 48% of households in Chautauqua County who are “Asset Limited, Income Constrained, and Employed.”

Take groups of your employees or leadership team on a United Way “impact tour.” In 2-3 hours, we’ll give a tour of our agencies and their impact, and allow your employees to witness firsthand why their giving matters in our community.

Allow your employees to give back through a half day of direct service. We’ll provide all the coordination for your business to achieve mpactful volunteerism at one of our partner agencies, and it will boost both their community spirit and their team morale.

For more information on our Business Meets Community partnershp opportunities or to book an employee engagement experience, contact Katie Castro by calling (716) 483-1561 or emailing kcastro@uwayscc.org!