I am legally blind, blind they say; although the people who say that have never looked at the world through my eyes. I am 100 years young, old they say; although the people who say that don’t know all the joyful memories I have of a life well lived. I’ve lived by myself in an apartment since my husband died 20 years ago, they say I should move to a retirement home; they don’t understand my need for independence.
UWAYSCC 100 Years, 100 Stories blog submission by Lisa Goodell, Executive Director of the Chautauqua Blind Association. This story was shared at Louise's 100th Birthday Celebration. She would live for a couple more years reaching 102 years young. She was a joy for all who knew her and one of many amazing individuals who have benefitted from the support of our local Chautauqua Blind Association. For more information about the Chautauqua Blind Association visit www.chautauquablind.org or call 716-664-6660.